Write for Niche Markets to Earn More

© 2009-2010 Ugur Akinci
We live in a world of specialization and specialists always earn more.
There are neighborhood car mechanics who fix any old car and those who repair only Jaguars, BMWs and Porches. Guess who charges more?
Your family doctor may know a lot about a number of different diseases. There’s also your cardiac or orthopedic surgeon who has a very narrow field of specialization.  And you already know who makes more money.
The same is true in writing.
If you’ve visited some of the popular freelance job sites I’m sure you’ve seen writers churning out page after page of general stuff for just a few dollars. I have no idea how they make ends meet.
There are also those writers who specialize in a narrow field. I, for example, have specialized in software documentation for the last 12 years, have made a lot of money that way, and have never looked back since. That’s why I recommend you do the same and get specialized in a niche market that you like.
The clients trust specialized writers more because such writers really follow what’s going on in their own chosen fields and thus protect the client from costly mistakes. If, for example, what you write is boring, not true, or does not really have a fresh angle, that would be money wasted for your client no matter how little you charge. A client always prefers to pay perhaps a little more to get the job done right the first time. That’s why niche writers are always in high demand.
There are so many high-paying niche markets today ranging from nutritional supplement copy and direct-mail writing to technical documentation and financial copy. By picking a niche and going deep inside that specialty you can increase your income to a level where you can comfortably take care of yourself and your loved ones. I’ve put my son through one of the more expensive colleges in the United States thanks to my software document writing specialty.
But there are so many things to pay attention to before making your final decision. You should try to learn all you can before jumping into a narrow specialization and realizing that you’ve made the wrong decision.

The future belongs to the specialists. Be a part of it by claiming your niche today.


  1. Arnold Burian on September 16, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    That’s great advice. One excellent niche to consider is API writing. Of course, this requires some sort of computer science knowledge or degree, but can be very lucrative.