How to Access Google Documents on Your Smart Phone

This week, with a little extra time on my hands, I decided to try to look for a phone that I can use to access the full internet. I have a Boost phone I pay for by the month. In truth, I don’t use my phone much on a daily basis, but use it when I travel. I have wanted to get full internet on my phone, but those plans (and phones) were just too much for me to justify spending the dough. So I did a little research, and found that there was a mini version of the Opera browser available to upload to my phone. After a little figuring and cursing, I got it to work. It actually was really easy once I found the right instructions.
In any case, I now have full internet access on my flip phone. This is not available natively on Boost phones, so I am very happy that I have what I wanted without spending more.
What does that mean for me? Well, everything. I now have access to my Google calendar, Gmail, Delicious, My NING sites, and most important of all, my Google Docs. Anywhere. Even places without wi-fi.
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