10 FrameMaker 9 Features I Like

© 2010 Ugur Akinci
NOTE: To turn any toolbar on or off, select View > Toolbars from the main menu and then select the toolbar you want from the pop-up sub-menu.
(1) HISTORY Panel. Press Ctrl + K or the History button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the HISTORY of your past actions. Click on any past action to revert to it.
(2) IMAGE ALIGN buttons on the OBJECT ALIGNMENT toolbar.
(3) 3 main designer dialog boxes (Paragraph, Table, Character) all neatly presented as tabs within a single “pod”.
(4) Collapsible Graphics toolbar and Pods to save screen space.
(5) List of Markers displayed as a neat table with  Marker Text, Marker Type, Document File Name, Page Number, and other pertinent marker information.
(6) List of Variables displayed in a table with Name and FrameMaker tag definition.
(7) AUTHORING menu drop-down options: Authoring, Manage Content, Manage Graphics, Review, Save Workspace, Manage Workspace, Reset Workspace.
(8)  Adobe Robohelp menu button that kicks off FM-RoboHelp integration.
(9) Built-in Screen Capture utility and editor. Select File > Launch RoboScreen Capture and you’ll be on your way…
(10) Compare two FM documents easily by selecting File > Utlities > Compare Documents.

FrameMaker 9 Resources

Adobe FrameMaker 9 Classroom in a Book
XML and FrameMaker
Adobe FrameMaker 9 VTC Training CD
Advanced FrameMaker