Technical Editing: Eliminate Passive Voice and Secondary Verbs for Clear Technical Writing

© Ugur Akinci
You can eliminate a lot of deadwood from your technical writing by eliminating the passive voice and secondary verbs.
Here is an example:
“A decision was made at the Project Management level that the product should be released by the first of the new year.”
“A decision was made” is not only a passive voice construction but it also hides the secondary verb “to make” in its fold.
A further complication arises from the euphemistic “Project Management level” phrase.
FIRST SIMPLIFICATION: Get rid of the passive voice.
RESULT 1: “The Project Management level made a decision that the product should be released by the first of the new year.”
SECOND SIMPLIFICATION: Get rid of the secondary verb “to make” by transforming the noun “decision” into the verb “to decide.”
RESULT 2: “The Project Management level decided that the product should be released by the first of the new year.”
THIRD SIMPLIFICATION: Get rid of the euphemism by getting rid of the “level” abstraction.
“The Project Manager decided that the product should be released by the first of the new year.”
Simplify by using the above method:
“A conclusion was reached by both the parents and the teachers at the PTA meeting platform that the students should take remedial classes for their SAT preparations to attain a level of success.”