How to Suppress Alert Messages in FrameMaker Documents

Adobe FrameMaker is such a smart program that if you have any fonts missing, if any of the cross-reference links are broken, it’ll let you know right away when you are opening the file by displaying an alert message.

Alert messages are a great way to correct what’s wrong with your document except… when you already know what the problem is. Then you wouldn’t want FM to flash an alert message every time you close and open a file. This may become a true nuisance if you are constantly opening and closing dozens of chapter files in a large book file.

That’s when you might want to cancel and suppress all those messages for the sake of productivity and efficiency since closing each and every message box quickly becomes such a drain on your time and energy.

This is how you can suppress such pesky alert messages easily:

1) Select Edit > Preferences (in FM 11) to display the Preferences configuration screen:

FrameMaker 10 Suppressing Alerts

2) Click Global > Alerts in the navigation bar to display the Dialogs with Alerts options.

3) Clear any or all of the alert options to suppress them while you work with the document.

4) Click OK.