How to Stress the Subject or the Object of a Title

There are ways to direct the attention of the reader to the subject or object of a title (or subtitle). ———————- QUICK RECAP: In the following sentence, “Shaun loves fish” “Shaun” is the SUBJECT and “fish” is the OBJECT. ———————- You can highlight a title’s subject or object by using active or passive voice appropriately. Here is how: METHOD…

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A Title Should Identify the Object of the Text

A title should identify the object of the text. A title should be a brief, but informative, description of the text that follows. In order to establish a connection between the title and what is being discussed in the text, it is important to provide some basic information about what is going on in the…

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How to Write Perfect Technical Article or Document Titles and Subtitles

Titles are sometimes also called “headings”, “headlines” or even “headers” (mostly by technical writers coming from a journalism background). Subtitles are sometimes also referred to as “subheadings” or “subheaders.” But a title is used only once in an article or a document: in the very beginning. That’s why an article, a book, or a document…

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