A Great Manual from Open Office: "Creating Large Documents"

The free writing suite Open Office has come up with a great free PDF document that should be of great help for all writers generating long (over 50 pages) documents.  (I’d like to thank my reader George L. for bringing this free resource to my attention.)
The 48-page “Creating Large Documents” is written in an easy to follow manner with great screen shots. The step-by-step procedures leaves little to the imagination.
A key strength of OpenOffice.org is its ability to handle large word processing documents. Now you can learn how to create and better manage large documents — theses, research reports, manuscripts and more — in this recently released Sun guide.
OpenOffice Large DocumentsTopics in this guide include:
»      Developing tables of contents, indexes, appendices
»      Working with templates, cross-references
»      Handling graphics, tables, charts
»      Using Open Office’s powerful style guides to manage page styles, paragraph styles, and character styles
»      And a lot more helpful tips and tricks
I especially found the section on creating Page Templates and how to use them very useful since that skill is a must when creating user guides and similar book-length technical documents.