Scheduling and Keeping Up with Your Goals & Clients

You’ve made a New Year’s resolution… You want to write that book… Get that diploma or certificate… Exercise 3 times a week… or whatever it may be.
But there’s a slight “problem”… How are you going to keep track of all those promises? Why, with scheduling software of course!
Here are some suggestions:
Google Calendar. My favorite. I use it all the time. Provides you with the option to send yourself as many reminders as you like. Open a Gmail account and click on the Calendar link at the upper-left corner of the page. Free.
Doodle. Personalized scheduling for individuals . Ad-free and full of time-saving features
Appointment Quest. Online scheduling software.
Schedule Organizer. Allows a customer, patient or client to schedule an appointment via the company’s, doctor’s or consultant’s homepage.