How to Write Web Content with SEO in Mind

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a “necessary evil” for most writers and I agree with them. It’s not easy to write with SEO in mind because that brings in yet another level of discipline and complexity to a craft that is already complex and hard in many ways.
But, on the other hand, if you do not have SEO built into your writing, then your web traffic will suffer and no one will read your good stuff. As the famous conundrum goes: “If a tree fell in the forest but nobody saw it, did it fall?” Same thing: if you write but no one reads, are you really a writer? So, focus on your SEO skills and prosper. The following is a good introduction about how to do that:

I was hired at MorePro for my writing skills and experience with Internet related skills. Although I am also learning all of the technical stuff of Search Engine Optimization I’m also applying the writing and technical communication skills that I learned in college. One of the things I’m talking about today is critical thinking and writing.
Let’s not kid ourselves, SEO CONTENT IS IMPORTANT- Your content will be your stationary salesman. If your potential customers are reading your content, then how important is it to get through to them?
Let’s break this down into our basic rhetorical factors. This may seem very elementary, but way too often do writers forget about what the purpose of the document is about and focus on just expressing their point.
Who? – Who is your audience? Old? Young? Skilled? Unskilled? Is there a history behind your clients? What social class are you writing to? Any kind of description is helpful in this situation – The writing of your content needs to be first focused on “who” your audience is because if you forget who they are then you will never get through to them in the first place.