Is your Technical Communication career dying? How to revive it

A great article that I’m sure applies to the careers of some technical communicators offers some valuable advice for sagging careers.
It starts with asking the following list of signs which might mean that you career is in trouble:

  • You are unhappy with the nature of your work
  • You aren’t growing
  • You feel overshadowed
  • You are treated like deadwood
  • You are stuck
  • You don’t like your work environment
  • You don’t like your boss – or your boss doesn’t like you
  • Your industry is dead
  • Your age is an issue

Then it proceeds to offer some solutions to these problems.


  1. Larry Kunz on August 18, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Sometimes it’s a matter of changing your vantage point — from seeing only what goes on inside the development lab to seeing how your company interacts with customers and prospective customers. Here are some thoughts on this idea.