3 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Methods

Person In A Construction site

A Standard Operating Procedure, or SOP for short, is documentation that provides step-by-step instructions on how to carry out a task. These are frequently used by all organizations, including small businesses and larger corporations, to ensure quality results with daily tasks.

Creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following some simple guidelines when creating documentation, SOP documentation can be tailored to your organizational needs and presented with clarity and ease.

The rules of documentation state that the documentation should be easy to read, accessible, and thorough. A documentation that follows these rules has a greater chance of being successful and less likely to be ignored by the employees who it is intended for.

Rules of Good Standard Operationg Procedures (SOP)

What makes documentation good SOP documentation?

SOP documentation should be:

Clear and Concise

The documentation should be clear and concise in order to keep a reader’s attention. This a difficult task when documentation is being used to teach someone how to do something, but it has many benefits.

First, the documentation will have a much higher chance of being read because it isn’t too long or full of fluff.

Second, the documentation can be easily referred back to if questions come up.

Finally, the documentation is less likely to be ignored by the reader because it is easy to follow.

From a technical writing perspective, clarity can be achieved by using short, simple sentences and breaking the documentation down into manageable chunks.

Each paragraph should introduce one or two main points and support those points with documentation.

Whenever a procedural step is not applicable, it should be crossed out or deleted from the documentation with double lines. This makes it clear to users which steps are included in the documentation.

Easy to Read and Accessible

Ease of following documentation can be achieved by using tables, diagrams, and screenshots to show what needs to be done.

If necessary, documentation can also include numbered lists which are helpful when the reader is performing a step-by-step procedure.

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should also be accessible to all employees that may need it, thus making it important to include documentation for people with disabilities.

If SOP documentation is accessible and clear, users will be able to follow the documentation without issues. If documentation is unclear, users may not follow critical steps or may perform unnecessary tasks.

For example, if documentation instructs a user to “Clean out the old paint with the solvent”, it should also state that “The solvent is flammable, so take appropriate precautions.”

Thorough and complete

Thorough documentation includes everything that is pertinent to completing the task.

If documentation leaves out any of these pieces, won’t be followed correctly and may even result in damage or injury to equipment/people. Detailed documentation does not cause problems if it is completed by someone who has access to all the information regarding the overall process.

Headings and Subheadings

Chunk your SOP content by grouping short paragraphs under headings and subheadings.

Headings and subheadings help readers quickly identify specific sections of a procedure.

Headings should be descriptive, and subheadings should be informative.

For example, a heading might read “Procedure for Handling a Chemical Spill”, and a subheading might read “Step 1: Notify Emergency Services. Step 2: Determine Type of Spill. Etc.”

Active Voice

Active voice is often preferred over passive voice because sentences written in active voice are shorter, more direct and easier to understand.

For example, a sentence written in passive voice would read “The procedures must be followed” whereas a sentence written in active voice would read “Follow the procedures.”

Use direct and simple action words like “Follow” instead of ambigious verbal phrases like “You may want to follow” or “You can follow” etc.


Use ordered (numbered) lists with clear easy-to-read numbers to identity each item or step.

When using unordered (bulleted) lists, you may consider using symbols such as a checkmark or a diamond for aesthetical purposes.


In general avoid using jargon and technical terms whenever possible.

If certain terminology is required, be sure to provide definitions for these words. For this purpose, consider also publishing a GLOSSARY at the end of the SOP document, defining the technical terms you are using. This depends on your audience. If your readers are industry veterans or senior staff, it may not be necessary to include a glossary. But for junior staff or those who are just hired by your business or organization, a glossary would be a very user-friendly feature indeed.

Men Working in a Warehouse

Key Components of a Standard Operating Procedure Document

When creating Standard Operating Procedures, it is important to keep in mind the following key components:

– Purpose of procedure

First determine why you need SOP documentation by answering the key question: “Why do I need Standard Operating Procedures documentation?”


It’s important to note that SOP documentation is used for information only, not as a tool to train employees. You should have documentation available if they need it, but never rely on documentation alone.

– Who will be performing the procedure

Next, it’s important to identify who will be performing the procedure.

Who is responsible for completing certain actions in the Standard Operating Procedure documentation?

IMPORTANT: Remember, documentation is simply a guide and shouldn’t replace training employees. This information isn’t needed in a Standard Operating Procedure if an employee already knows how to complete the task at hand.

– What supplies/equipment are needed

List the supplies or equipment needed to complete the procedure. This information is important for employees who may not be familiar with the process being documented.

– What are the specific steps involved in completing the procedure

Last, list the specific steps involved in completing the procedure.

Break down each individual step and make sure it’s clear and concise. Instructions shouldn’t be vague; they should be detailed enough that anyone could follow the documentation.

Let’s take a look at our example Standard Operating Procedure documentation:

SOP Documentation Example – Booking a Meeting Room 


To outline the steps required to book a meeting room.

Who will be performing this procedure

Meeting Room Booker.

What supplies/equipment are needed

Laptop, documentation.

What are the specific steps involved in completing the procedure

STEP 1: Log onto the website and click on “Meeting Rooms”. You can also write: “Open up your web browser and go to https://meetingrooms.companyname.com/”

STEP 2: Click on the department that will be using the room.

STEP 3: Select a date and time. Scroll through your available dates and times until you find an open spot that works for you. 

STEP 4: Fill out information regarding attendees in the booking form.

STEP 5: Add to cart. Make sure all fields are complete before adding an item to your cart.

STEP 6: Click on the “Checkout” button.

STEP 7: Review documentation for accuracy.

STEP 8: Submit documentation for approval by your manager

STEP 9: Communicate with all parties involved if there is a scheduling conflict. For example, say another department has already booked the room you are trying to book after you have completed your documentation. Let them know there has been a conflict and that you will be deleting your documentation for this room.

STEP 10: Follow up and update the SOP document if there is a need. If something changes in the workplace – such as a new policy or procedure – employees must be properly trained on the change and then the Standard Operating Procedure documentation must be updated.

Documentation Management

Writing the SOP document is not the end of the process. Someone needs to manage the process as well.

 Swift documentation management helps businesses improve efficiency, accountability, and compliance with documentation process standards.

Having a documentation management solution in place that facilitates the documentation process for employees can save your business time and money.

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METHOD 1: Step-by-Step Procedural Writing

The above Meeting Room Booking example has illustrated how an SOP can be written in clear sequential steps.

Use this method if the number of steps in a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is less than seven and no decision making is necessary to execute each step.

An Example

Here is another SOP example for leaving a building after 5 p.m.:

STEP 1: Shut down all lights and heaters before you leave.

STEP 2: Turn on the alarm switch from OFF to ON position.

STEP 3: Open the door, get out, and close it from outside.

STEP 4: Lock the door with Key A34R.

METHOD 2: Graphic Block Writing

Use this method if the number of steps in a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is more than seven but not a lot of decision making is necessary to execute most of the steps.

Graphic Block Writing Standards

When creating SOP documentation, it is important to adhere to the following graphic block writing standards:

– Use headings and subheadings to identify specific sections of the procedure

– Indent the first line of each paragraph

– Use numbers or bullets to list items

– Use active voice whenever possible

An Example

For example, the SOP for writing a book on the history of underground utility tunnels:
Block Writing for SOP Standard Operating Procedure writing

METHOD 3: Drawing a Flowchart

Use this method if the number of steps in a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is less than seven.

A flowchart can help to outline the steps of a process and make it easier for employees to follow.

To create a flowchart, start by drawing a box for the beginning of the process. In the box, write the name of the procedure. Then, draw arrows that outline the steps of the process. Make sure to write a description of each step next to the arrow.
For example, the SOP for milking the cows properly at a dairy farm:
Standard Operating Procedure

The RECTANGLES represent ACTIONS to be taken.
RECTANGLES with raggedy bottom represent RECORDING and DATA COLLECTION steps.
The DIAMONDS are DECISION points with at least TWO paths (e.g., YES and NO).


How to Use Titles and Subheadings to Group Similar Kinds of Procedural Tasks
3 Methods to Write a Good Standard Operating Procedure
How to Use Right Chevron (>) Correctly in Procedural Writing
How to Write About Changing Contexts in Procedural Task Steps
How to Create Procedural Writing for Kids



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