Chris Brogan’s Rules of "Success with Peace of Mind"

Happy in Life

Most of us run just too hard… We push push push, at the office, at home, while we drive, on so-called vacations…
How many of us feel a little bit guilty that we do not devote as much time to our families, community and loved ones as we should?
Armed with personal to-do lists, weekly, monthly and annual-targets, New Year resolutions, birthday resolutions, anniversary promises, and god knows what else, we keep our foot to the pedal until it starts burning against the metal…
Result is lower productivity, less fun, and forgetting why we are doing what we are doing in the first place. Spiritual poverty.
Here is a list of “success with peace-of-mind” items shared by an individual who knows a thing or two about “pushing hard”: Chris Brogan.
If you want to improve your lot in life, if you want to balance your priorities, here’s Brogan’s quick little recipe for “paying yourself first”:

* Get as close to 8 hours of sleep a night as you can.
* Schedule “do not disturb” time with your family as often as possible.
* Weigh every business opportunity against your change in quality of life.
* Ask for what you’re worth, so you can work the right number of hours for respectable pay.
* Work your core projects first over all external projects.
* Weigh the negatives and positives of any trip you might be asked to take. Decide accordingly.
* Realize that physical fitness boosts mental fitness and make it a priority, not a nice-to-have.
* Listen for warning signs (your body tells you when you’re messing with its parameters).
* Cut out junk: food, hours, consumption, entertainment. Your mind and body deserve the best.
* Audit how you’re spending your time and validate whether it’s working for you.
* Get out into nature once every two days at most. Nature is that other window with the higher resolution.

Do you have your own items to add to this list? Please feel free to comment and share…