Framemaker 12 DITA Tutorial – How to Create a Topic, Concept, Task, or Reference

© Ugur Akinci
Creating an XML DITA document is so easy when you have Adobe FrameMaker 12 because everything is built-in and ready-made for you.
Let’s start with creating a DITA topic in Adobe FrameMaker 12… First make sure you have selected the Structured interface for your copy of FM.
Select DITA > New DITA File > New <topic> … from the main menu to create a topic template:
FrameMaker 12 Topic Template
On the right of your screen you will see the Structured View pane as well as the Element Catalog pane:
FrameMaker 12 Topic Template Structured View
The Element Catalog changes dynamically depending on where your cursor is in the document. It displays only those elements that can be inserted into the document at that point and not others.
Start typing in the template following the prompts. As you fill in the placeholders the structured view changes as well, reflecting the text you are entering into the topic.
Note the one-to-one correspondence between what you are typing into the text window and the dynamically updated Structured View pane:
FrameMaker 12 Topic Template Structured View 2
When you are done, save the file as an XML file:
Save as XML
The process is exactly the same to create a new concept, task, or reference file. Just select the appropriate options from the New DITA File menu item:
New DITA FIle menu options