How to Use System Variables in Adobe FrameMaker to Create Automatically-Updated Meta Information

Adobe FrameMaker comes with a wealth of built-in SYSTEM VARIABLES. They are all listed in the VARIABLES pod.
You can create fresh and automatically-updated meta-information (like chapter and page numbers, etc.) easily by using them.
Here is how the variables pod look for a newly created FM 12 document:
(Click to enlarge the images)
Adobe FrameMaker 12 Variables Pod
When the document is saved, the list of default system variables expand:
Adobe FrameMaker 12 Variables Pod EXPANDED
You can use these variables, for example, to create a “Page X of Y total pages” type of page number either in the Header or Footer area.
Go to the View > Master Page view. Click and insert your cursor wherever you like in the header or the footer.
Insert the following two system variables by double-clicking on them from inside the VARIABLES pod, as shown below:
Adobe FrameMaker 12 Variables Pod Page Count
When you switch to the Body View, the page number will display correctly in the header area and will increment correctly as you keep adding new pages:
Adobe FrameMaker 12 Variables Pod BODY VIEW
These system variables have hundreds of other uses. Experiment with and explore them.


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