5 Great Books on Writing that all Writers Should Read


Here are the best 5 books that helped me in my writing career:

(1) THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE by Strunk and White. No doubt about it. It’s the BIBLE of good plain writing and you can read it in just a few hours. If you still haven’t read it, read it before you move on to anything else. It’s a must. This is an order 🙂

(2) “Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within” by Natalie Goldberg. This book, when I first read it, fired up so many creative volcanoes in me that, years later, I still feel its reverberations. For a tectonic shift in your approach to creativity, there is no better source than this.

(3) “Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott. Sage advice on writing by a writer who knows what she is talking about.

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(4) On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft” by Stephen King. The man is a national treasure although he is looked down upon by “serious” “literary” writers. He has enough good advice in this lovely volume to last for a lifetime.

(5) Zen in The Art of Writing” by Ray Bradbury. A relatively unknown classic on the excitement, joy, and miracle of good writing. A fun read with hidden gems on every page.
(Photo courtesy of Josh Applegate at Unsplash-dot-com)