Write great essays

7 Tips to Write Great Essays

Introduction Would you like to write great essays that are easy to read and retain? Then pay attention to the following seven time-tested points of essay mastery. (1) THE POINT Why are you writing this essay? What’s the whole point? Are you trying to prove a thesis? Or mobilize your audience for a worthy cause?…

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7 Main Issues When Creating Online Content

7 Main Issues When Creating Online Content (1) Topic. Should it be about a current popular topic or an evergreen one? Current topic (e.g., “2017 Tax Bill Signed in December 2017”) will garner a lot of interest but will be forgotten soon. An evergreen topic (“e.g., “How to lose weight”) will never be out of style but…

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4 Reasons Why We Procrastinate

Why do we procrastinate? Let’s first look at the word itself. PRO in Latin means FORWARD. CRAS, again in Latin, means TOMORROW. CRASTINUS, derived from “Cras,” means BELONGING TO TOMORROW. That’s why to procrastinate means putting off something that you should do today to tomorrow. People procrastinate for a lot of different reasons. There is no single reason…

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What is the Readability Index of Your Writing?

How readable is your writing? Is there a good fit between what you’ve written and your audience? This is a question that must be answered truthfully and precisely by all writers. If your prose is not a good fit for your audience’s education level, then it won’t be understood and remembered easily. Enter: Readability Indexes…

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11 Indispensable Concepts of English Grammar You Should Know

Introduction Nobody’s perfect. Nobody knows ALL the rules and concepts of English grammar. But do you know enough not to raise eyebrows when you open your mouth? Do you know enough of the basic terms and building blocks of English to communicate smoothly with an editor, reader, or another writer? 11 Basic Concepts of English…

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101 Tips and Tutorials to Write Like a Pro

© Ugur Akinci Why I Wrote This 318-Page Book “It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way” – Ernest Hemingway Writing can be taught. Definitely. When we read a good writer we tend to think she is born that way. Nothing can be…

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Be Careful with Humor in Technical Writing

Humor is great. I love it. Once upon a time I used to write jokes for comedian Joan Rivers as a freelance contributor. Making people laugh is a skill that I respect and truly love. However, when you are writing a technical document or book, you should be very careful before injecting humor into your…

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How to Write the Perfect Travel Articles for Fun and Profit

Writing travel articles and travel writing is a great way both to travel around the world and make money while doing it. Imagine having fun, staying at the best hotels, spending time on golden beaches and heavenly mountains, and getting paid for it? You can finance such pursuits by specializing in travel writing. Of course,…

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Essay Writing

How to Write a Composition with P.O.W.E.R. Method

Introduction A composition (or an essay) is a non-fiction piece written to introduce a topic and then look into it in some detail. An Op-Ed piece is a composition, an essay, for example. Most essays and articles are compositions also. It is a generic term that applies to a wide variety of non-fiction prose. Some…

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Weekly Writing and Marketing Schedule for Writers

A weekly writing and marketing schedule is a must for all writers who need to market themselves and produce regularly to make money. Here is a proposed weekly plan to increase productivity and income for all freelance writers: MONDAY Post three tweets to Tweeter. Post to Facebook. Post to LinkedIn. Write one self-serving “article marketing”…

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